Conference calls are a staple in the modern office environment. As a business owner, you’re probably drawn into more conference calls daily than you’d care for. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offers a significantly better way to go about your daily conference call duties.
VoIP is growing more popular in businesses all over the world, and for good reason. It makes communicating with both internal and external parties exceedingly easier, especially if your office has limited space to conduct meetings. Here are three benefits that you get from using VoIP as your preferred conference calling solution.
VoIP Uses Your Internet Connection
Back in the day, picking up the landline phone and calling your employees was the best thing you could do for collaboration barring face-to-face meetings, conference calling was a pain in the neck. Now, however, it’s so much easier to communicate, and it’s all thanks to the Internet. Voice over Internet Protocol allows your employees to transmit their voices across an Internet connection in much the same way the traditional telephone system works, but without all of the complex landline cabling.
Additionally, cable companies are generally stingy with the services they offer, packaging them together in an effort to get you to pay more for services that you might not necessarily want or need. Since VoIP only uses your Internet connection, you won’t have to worry about additional charges. If you want any additional services, however, VoIP solutions are very flexible. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about long-distance phone calls for your remote team (if you have one).
This also means that limitations for trunks (the number of physical phone lines you have leaving the building) are a thing of the past. As you grow, your phone system won’t limit your team from making outbound calls.
VoIP is More Mobile
With a traditional phone system, you’re tethered to your desk. Even if you have a cordless phone, you can only go so far away from the receiver before it stops working. With VoIP, you’re essentially using a web or desktop application that transfers your voice through the Internet, allowing you to access the system anywhere, anytime. You can even use your smartphone with a VoIP solution, if you so desire, making for a familiar experience. Depending on the VoIP solution, you can also just use a headset on your desktop or laptop.
Considering how versatile and mobile VoIP is compared to traditional phone systems, you can potentially allow your team to work remotely. By giving your team the tools to help them stay productive at all times, you’re paving the way for greater success and workplace fulfillment.
VoIP Has Ideal Add-Ons
One of the best features of a VoIP solution is that they often come with video conferencing capabilities. Just like how the average consumer uses Skype to video chat with their friends, a VoIP solution has video conferencing capabilities that allows users to speak “face-to-face” without being in the same room (or even the same country). This helps your team stay connected even if they’re scattered all over the world.
Taking advantage of VoIP can be a life-changing event. COMPANYNAME can walk you through the entire setup process, from start to finish. We can even host your VoIP solution off-site so that its maintenance and management are a hands-off experience for you. To learn more, give us a call at PHONENUMBER.