Remote technology is constantly changing the face of all industries thanks to the versatility and efficiency it provides for its users. Did you know that even doctors are starting to take advantage of it to administer consultation care for their patients in never before seen ways?
That’s right; not only is remote technology great for diagnosing problems with your technology, but it can also be of great assistance when diagnosing problems with your health. UnitedHealthcare, one of the largest health insurance providers in the United States, supports what WIRED magazine calls “telemedicine;” a video visit from a doctor who offers consultation services rather than an in-person appointment. As reported by WIRED:
United says it will cover virtual doctor visits offered through NowClinic, Doctor on Demand, and American Well. These platforms connect patients with thousands of doctors—albeit not the patient’s usual doctor—via video chat. These consultations typically cost $40 to $50 a pop, but now that United is covering these visits, members will only have to pay their usual co-pay, making virtual medicine much more affordable for more people. For now, these virtual visits will be available only to UnitedHealth’s self-funded customers, but the feature will expand to most members by next year.
In other words, remote technology is helping people stay healthier at a more affordable rate. You can hardly argue with that logic, especially considering the fact that this event has been foreseen for quite some time. With remote technology becoming more important to all sectors and industries, it was only a matter of time before it became a reliable manner of performing “self-diagnosis,” so to speak; and trust us, it’s a much more reliable manner of diagnosis than performing Google searches of your symptoms.
In addition to remote technology being a great new tool that doctors can take advantage of, it’s also a fantastic way to keep your technology up to date and running smoothly. When a managed IT company like COMPANYNAME offers remote monitoring and maintenance, it’s exactly what it sounds like. With the power of remote technology, we have the ability to monitor your network for threats or suspicious activity. This, compounded with a comprehensive security solution, is designed to detect and eliminate threats to your network’s continuity before irreversible damage occurs.
Furthermore, remote technology maintenance and management allows COMPANYNAME to remotely patch and maintain your business’s servers and workstations without an on-site visit. We understand that you want to save money, and by avoiding on-site visits as often as possible, you accrue less overall expenses. In fact, most software issues can be resolved easily through off-site remote maintenance. Of course, there are some hardware problems that probably can’t be resolved remotely, but you get the point. If it can be resolved remotely, we want to save you money by avoiding on-site visits as much as possible.
It’s not that we don’t want to visit your office and check up on your technology from time to time. It’s that we want to make sure you get the most value you can out of our services. That’s what COMPANYNAME is all about. Give us a call at PHONENUMBER to learn more about our remote technology solutions.