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Directive Blogs

Directive has been serving the Oneonta area since 1993, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Why the Recent Dissolution of Net Neutrality Could Be Very Bad for Your Business

Net neutrality has long been an embattled topic, with rules flipping every few years depending on the opinions of those with influence. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission had its most recent net neutrality policy struck down by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals… in such a way that sets the concept back to square one.

Let’s discuss why this is a particularly dangerous decision, and very well could put small and medium-sized businesses at a distinct disadvantage moving forward.

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Tech Term: Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

Some websites have an orange icon with waves coming from a dot in the bottom-left corner. This icon is for an RSS feed. RSS feeds are great for users who want to add the website’s content to an RSS reader—but what does this even mean? Let’s find out.

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The Evolution of Internet Speeds Since the 1990s

We all depend on the Internet. For most of us who have been using it since the mid-90s, we’ve seen a massive change in its use. Today, silent continuous connectivity has replaced the dial-up tones of the late 90s and early 2000s. In today’s blog, we thought we’d discuss how Internet connectivity speeds have changed over the past 30 years. 

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How to Capture the Leads Your Business Needs

Generating and capitalizing on digital leads is crucial for business success. A well-thought-out strategy to attract leads through websites, emails, and social media can significantly enhance a company's ability to create a good customer experience and grow its business. This month, we’ll examine this element of a business and give you a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of your digital marketing efforts. 

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Which Leadership Style Do You Tend to Use in Your Business?

Leadership can take many forms. As a leader in your own company, it can pay to understand what form of leadership you tend to express when working with your team. Let’s review some leadership styles to see if anything resonates.

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Stay Limber: Stretches Recommended for Office Workers

We tend to focus most of our attention on how to maintain your business’ technology over time. This only makes sense—we are a managed service provider, after all—but that being said, your IT is not the only element that needs to be properly taken care of. It is just as important that you and your team members are physically able to focus on work…something a desk job doesn’t always help.

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The Evolution of Computers in Cinema

b2ap3_thumbnail_oscar_night_400.jpgThere’s no denying that computers have become a central figure in the rapid growth and success of Western culture. With it brings commentary. In the second half of the 20th century and the first decade-and-a-half of the 21st century, humans have turned to the motion picture to tell the stories they deem important and noteworthy. The growth of technology has not only presented us with our new lifestyle, it has virtually erased the lifestyle of our ancestors, and this revelation leads to fear.

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Did You Mean to Type “LOL”? This Device Will Know If You Meant It!

Whether or not you believe acronyms are an acceptable form of speech, some people might use them habitually or instinctively even for business communications. Of course, they don’t have much place in this context, but habits are hard to break. To address this issue, one innovative thinker has created a tool that can help determine if the acronym “LOL” is sincere or not.

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5 Hilarious Computing Tips From Mr. Wolfdog [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_oh_your_wolfdog_400.jpgHappy April Fool’s Day! It’s a time to celebrate pranks, practical jokes, and laughter. Therefore, we thought we’d mix it up a bit and seek out technology advice from the funniest and the furriest CEO we know, Old Spice’s wolf-dog hybrid, Mr. Wolfdog!

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What is the Konami Code?

If you’re familiar with the combination
Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Select-Start, chances are good that you grew up in the 80s. This is because this combination of buttons is the infamous Konami Code, a cheat code that video games (and others, including some websites and software) have continued to reference since it first appeared in 1986.

Let’s examine the Konami Code’s origins, as well as the various ways it has been used since.

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Maps May Soon Be Less Trustworthy Than Ever

Did you know that maps as we know them are remarkably skewed? Due to some centuries-old superiority complexes and prejudices, the maps we’ve all been raised looking at have never been completely accurate. However, this problem could soon be an element of cybercrime thanks to a developing technology that many have yet to take seriously, deepfake images, and how they could revolutionize cyberattacks moving forward.

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Can a Technology Meant to Sell Donuts Help Detect Cancer?

We’d be the first to admit it—some of the topics we discuss may seem to be inaccessible to small and medium-sized businesses nowadays, bordering on science fiction. For instance, let’s consider the topic of artificial intelligence in business.

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The FCC is Taking Measures to Assist with Internet Connectivity

Whether you’re referring to an individual’s personal needs or their work-related responsibilities, the Internet has become an essential component to most processes. Unfortunately, financial limitations often make sufficient connectivity unattainable for many. This is why the Federal Communications Commission stepped in last month to provide some assistance.

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How AI Can Make the Internet More Civil

Artificial intelligence can be used in numerous different ways, but one way you might not have anticipated is as a means of making sure people on the Internet mind their manners. Rude and inappropriate comments are remarkably common online, so it stands to reason that many companies and developers are looking for ways to minimize them. Let’s look at what some have implemented, utilizing artificial intelligence to their advantage.

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2020 Had Some Big Tech Fails

2020 has been a rough year for a lot of people. With so many problems presenting themselves this year, technology wasn’t immune. This week, we thought we would look back at some of the technology that failed miserably as the world changed precipitously. 

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Would You Give a Hitchhiking Robot a Ride Cross-Country?

robot-beach-blog-banner-image.jpgSome robots are programed to imitate artificial intelligence, or be the smartest Jeopardy contestant. Others try to fool people into thinking they are real people, and coerce them into giving up sensitive information. But some robots, like the hitchBOT, simply want to hitchhike a ride across Canada.

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Is Older Technology Really That Bad?

While it may sound strange coming from a managed service provider, there is some wisdom to the adage, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” We know, we know… it sounds a little hypocritical for us to say something like this, when we spend so much time touting the values of proactive maintenance and similar strategies. However, this now-cliché statement certainly holds water, as exemplified by many modern technologies—including the Boeing 747.

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Online Platforms are Collaborating for a More Secure Election

The United States of America is well into its 2020 election season. Social media platforms, and other online services, are taking notice. Given the misuse of social media and other platforms in past contests, there is little wonder that there is some very real pressure on these platforms to establish policy and security measures to prevent these behaviors this time around.

Here, we’ll take a neutral look at the situation, and explain the initiatives that online platforms are now enacting.

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Six Things to Consider When Moving Your Business

When you move your business into a new workspace, it can be one of the most exciting times for both you and your staff. It isn’t easy, of course, but today we thought that we would give you a short list of considerations that you should take in order to make this process go smoothly.

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How to Judge the Quality of an IT Provider’s Services

It’s a safe assumption that your business relies on some technology in order to operate (after all, you are reading a blog on the Internet). As a result, it is likely that you will require some level of IT support at some point. While this may sound like something simple enough to find, you need to keep in mind that not all IT service providers will necessarily provide the same quality of service.

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Work and Fun Don’t Have to Be Mutually Exclusive Concepts

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as the saying goes, but is this really useful advice if you’re trying to keep Jack, Jill, and the rest of your team engaged in the workplace? As it happens, it is! Let’s explore how you can use gamification to your business’ benefit.

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A Brief Look at Virtual Assistants

There is no doubt that you have come across the virtual assistant (or voice assistant). Whether you have it on a smartphone or you use it via a digital speaker in your home, you have probably spent some time using some type of virtual assistant. 

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How to Keep Your Employees from Burning Out

One of the most - if not the most - critical resource your business relies upon is your workforce. Your employees are what keep your operations, well, operational. As a result, they are one of your most important resources to maintain as well. They are human beings, and without the correct treatment and management, even your best employee could burn out.

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Does Tech in School Fill Up the Honor Roll or Seats in Detention?

We typically use this blog to share information about the technology that a business should be leveraging - but in this blog, we’ve decided to focus on a different group that is increasingly reliant on technology: students. As these pupils will someday make up the workforce and almost certainly utilize technology on a daily basis, it is important that their education reflects this increase in their curriculums. Here, we’ll consider some of the effects (good and bad) that this has had.

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Our Top 7 List of IT Myths and Wild Conspiracies

Being in IT, we’ve seen and heard it all. Between the campfire horror stories of technicians to the outlandish IT conspiracies and ‘home remedies’ that get passed around, we’ve decided to compile a list of some of our favorite IT and technology myths.

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You’re Training the Business’ Future, Not Your Replacement

Planning for your business’ future is a critical activity to carry out, and we aren’t just talking about next quarter. You need to be sure that you are ready to accept that today’s status quo  isn’t permanent. Your business or your position should grow, which means that you and your employees are going to need to embrace more responsibility and authority, exploring different roles.

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How to Maintain Your Employees’ Health for Everyone’s Well-Being

It isn’t often that one hears it discussed in the office, but the human body is an incredible piece of technology. Since your employees are so key to your business’ success, you’d benefit from doing everything you could to help your employees to take good care of their physical health.

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Automation is Exciting, But your Employees Might Be Worried

It’s no secret that business operations have a lot of moving parts that need to be considered. The thing is, these parts are most likely the simplest elements of any workflow, but take up large portions of time simply due to the number of them that need to be addressed.

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How Virtual Reality May Make Walking a Reality for These Paralyzed Patients

Virtual reality is quickly becoming a smash hit with many industries, but one of the most incredible and unexplainable phenomenons has to do with VR’s use in the medical sector. While it’s been thought that VR can be used to help paraplegic patients to walk again using brain-controlled robotic limbs, recent innovations have shown that this has the ability to go above and beyond its expectations.

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Fare Thee Well RadioShack, Makers of Fine Electronics and Sweet Commercials

b2ap3_thumbnail_radio_shack_bankruptcy_400.jpgLast February RadioShack declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and announced plans to sell between 1,500 and 2,400 of its stores. IT techie’s around the country are mourning the loss. It almost feels like losing a friend that’s always been there for you. We need closure, so let’s all gather around the store’s silicone grave and say fare thee well to RadioShack.

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Simon Pierro, the “Wizard of iOS,” is a Different Kind of Magician [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_tablet_magic_400.jpgDo you remember the good old days when a simple magic trick was capable of bringing a smile to anyone’s face? Optical illusions, card tricks, or sleight of hand; all of these are basic tactics used by the average magician. However, Simon Pierro, a German magician, uses his iPad to come up with mind-bendingly spectacular tricks that take advantage of modern technology.

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Tip of the Week: 10 Google Easter Eggs - Because the Internet Isn’t Distracting Enough

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_easter_eggs_400.jpgIn a recent poll by WSJ/NBC comparing tech companies to US presidential candidates, Google came out on top with 67 percent of respondents having a positive opinion of the company. Compare this to Apple’s 54 percent, and 43 percent going to the highest-rated candidate. Perhaps Apple and the politicians can take a cue from Google and make use of Easter eggs, because who doesn’t love Easter eggs?

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The Future is Here: Domino’s Now Has Pizza-Delivering Robots

b2ap3_thumbnail_pizza_robot_400.jpgRobotics are making leaps and bounds in all sorts of different industries. Robots aid doctors with surgery, work in manufacturing plants, and perform countless other functions. Now, we can add “pizza delivery” to this list, thanks to a somewhat bizarre and extremely welcome innovation by the Domino’s pizza chain.

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The “Send Me to Heaven” App May Be the Most Devious Technology Prank Ever [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_prank_app_400.jpgWhat if we asked you to throw your expensive smartphone high up into the air, just for the fun of it? You’d probably tell us to take a hike. However, thousands of phones get tossed into the air and put at great risk every day, thanks to an app designed for just such a purpose. In our opinion, this may be the greatest (and most devious) technology prank of all time.

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If Classic Monsters Were Computer Viruses

b2ap3_thumbnail_halloween_it_400.jpgWhat’s scarier, monsters or computer viruses? While it would be horrifying to be caught in a dark alley with a vampire, it would also be terrifying to lose your data to a hacker. Each entity is scary in its own right, but how frightening would it be if the two were combined?

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What Would it Take to Disable the World’s Technology Infrastructure?

b2ap3_thumbnail_threat_of_cyberwar_400.jpgFor argument’s sake, do you think society today relies too much on technology? In the Information Age, both businesses and governments have to be more careful than ever about how they approach cybersecurity. However, what would happen if a massive cyber war were to render any and all computing systems in the United States inert? Granted, such a powerful, in-depth attack is unlikely, but it’s sometimes fun (and frightening) to examine the worst-case scenario.

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Using a Camera With Chicken Grease on Your Hands is a Bad Idea, But Don’t Tell KFC That [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_curious_use_of_technology_400.jpgWe’ve seen some pretty incredible technology developed in the past several years, but all of it pales in comparison to the epitome of the Internet of Things: the KFC Memories Bucket. Why? Because nothing says “the future,” like printing your family’s photos out of a family meal chicken bucket.

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Humans and Robots: An Uneasy Trust

b2ap3_thumbnail_robot_killer_400.jpgAs technology grows more advanced, humans turn to robots to replace certain monotonous jobs. The goal here is to create a society where people are free to spend more time enjoying life. However, technology is prone to both technical problems and user error, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

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7 Signs of Smartphone Addiction: Can You Even Put Your Phone Down?

b2ap3_thumbnail_smartphone_addiction_400.jpgIt's no secret that smartphone owners love their devices. Although, is there ever a point where smartphones become too much of a good thing? If someone can’t seem to live without their device, that’s a pretty clear sign things have gotten out of hand.

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Jurassic World in 3D is Nothing New for These Scientist

b2ap3_thumbnail_scanning_for_fossils_400.jpgWith Jurassic World hitting theaters, today seems fitting to talk about a new use for 3D printing that you might not have thought of: recreating fossils. Researchers in Kenya are taking advantage of this new technology to study and preserve fossils that could potentially be damaged by the intense weather conditions of the Turkana Basin.

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Has the Internet Murdered Society’s Attention Span? [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_too_long_did_not_read_400.jpgWhen it comes to challenges, there’s no better place to turn to than the Internet. However, the Internet is also saturated with useless, time-wasting videos and articles that are meant to stimulate the mind and destroy boredom. In the face of all of this media, a lone CollegeHumor video challenges a user to endure boredom for a measly three minutes.

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Your Droid Phone is Inferior to the Greatest Droid of All, R2-D2

b2ap3_thumbnail_r2d2_400.jpgIn 1977 the first Star Wars movie premiered, entitled “A New Hope.” The science-fiction film became a hit and spawned a franchise that’s still going strong 38 years later, with the upcoming release of its much-anticipated seventh feature film, “The Force Awakens.” In fact, Star Wars is such a big deal that it has its own holiday, celebrated every May 4th (May the 4th be with you).

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A Trap So Devious that Even Admiral Ackbar Missed It

b2ap3_thumbnail_may_the_4th_death_star_400.jpgWith the long-awaited release of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens this December, today’s Star Wars Day holiday may be the biggest yet (May the 4th be with you). As a technology-loving IT company, we’re happy to honor our favorite science fiction franchise by taking a fun look at its futuristic space technology.

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Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! ...May Actually Be Slowing You Down

b2ap3_thumbnail_is_your_cup_of_joe_helping_400.jpgOn your journey through entrepreneurialism, few resources you’ve encountered are as valuable as those that will stick around unconditionally. In fact, few things are as reassuring in the morning as the smell of coffee grounds stewing in the pot, producing that mesmerizing aroma that could snap Sleeping Beauty out of her coma.

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Information Technology at the Movies

b2ap3_thumbnail_cinema_it_400.jpgThe history of movies is rooted in technological advancement. After all, there are well over 100,000 still photographs in any feature length motion picture. The persistence of vision allows for these images to be strung together by our perception to form the images we see. It didn’t take long after the discovery of this phenomenon for it to be utilized as entertainment, and giving birth to cinema as we’ve come to know it.

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Check Out These 5 Crazy Mobile Contraptions from 2004

b2ap3_thumbnail_crazy_old_mobile_400.jpgTen years ago, the world was a different place. In the technology world, Gmail was first introduced, and North Korea banned mobile phones. But while North Korea banned them, just south across the country’s border was the ITU Telecom Asia expo in Busan, South Korea, where the future of the mobile phone was bright. How did they think the cell phone of the future would pan out?

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Space Technology Repair By Chewbacca

b2ap3_thumbnail_chewy_face_400.jpgAcross the galaxy, Star Wars fans will be celebrating their beloved science fiction franchise on May 4th (May the fourth be with you). One of the most fascinating aspects about Star Wars is its space technology. As cool as lightsabers and blasters are, Star Wars tech can break down just like our modern space technology. Concerning technology repair, we think troubleshooting space tech in our day can be just as exciting as repairing space technology "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."

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The Database Hack that Brought Down the Galactic Senate

b2ap3_thumbnail_star_wars_logo_400.jpgOn May 4th you may see more Star Wars T-shirts than normal. This is because May 4th is recognized around the galaxy as Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you). Thanks to the abundant use of technology throughout this science fiction franchise, you can bet your podracer that we can find an IT lesson from Star Wars that can help your business!

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Disconnect from the Web and Experience Life

b2ap3_thumbnail_celly400.jpgMobile devices give you the ability to always be connected with the virtual world. It may seem like this is great for productivity because you feel like more work is getting done; but could it be that constant connectivity is wearing us down? In light of the stresses caused from being connected, it's good to unplug and recharge your brain.

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Power Up with the TYLT Energi+ Backpack

b2ap3_thumbnail_backpack400.jpgThe latest technology trend is wearable gadgets. Devices like smart watches and Google Glass are worn for easy transportation, but most wearable tech users will not use their smart watch as their main device; instead it will complement their laptop, tablet, smartphone, and other non-wearable technology. The TYLT Energi+ backpack is a solution that lets you wear all of your devices.

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The Circle of Corporate Espionage, part 2

b2ap3_thumbnail_pride400.pngWhen we last left our young office administrator, Chosimba, he was framed by his rival Scarn for leaking sensitive company information that led to the arrest and outing of Pride Inc.'s CEO. Scarn set up Chosimba because he was in line to run Pride Inc. We now find our hero hiding in Africa, attempting to avoid litigation--based on the advice of Scarn.

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Use Rhythm for Better Sleep

b2ap3_thumbnail_sleep400.pngThere are many different sleep solutions on the market; some are simple like a fluffier pillow, others are more elaborate like a sleep apnea CPAP mask that assists with breathing. According to a new study by the University of Tubingen in Germany, the best sleep solution may be syncing the sounds around you with the rhythms of your brain.

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