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Directive Blogs

Directive has been serving the Oneonta area since 1993, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Hardware Prices Are Likely On the Rise in 2025

Many market analysts and industry experts foresee an increase in the cost of hardware. We recommend that you take matters into your own hands to dodge the price hike and purchase your new IT now before it costs you more to do so. The implementation of any proposed tariffs could impact the market as early as February 2025, so we wanted to discuss what you should consider when purchasing new hardware today.

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Explaining the Threat of SS7 Mobile Attacks

The Internet is full of threats, but one of the most alarming ones making headlines lately is called an SS7 attack. It’s severe enough to have the U.S. Department of Homeland Security scrambling to find solutions. Let’s break down what SS7 attacks are, how they work, and why they’re so dangerous.

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Tip of the Week: Getting Windows Off Ghost Screens

If you want more productivity from the workday, then multiple monitors can help you achieve this goal. You might run into the issue of “ghost monitors,” though, where your PC believes you are connected to screens when you’re not. If you experience this issue and your application windows are off-screen and unobtainable, you’ll find this week’s tip helpful.

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Custom Technology Consulting with Virtual CIO

Who makes the tech decisions for your business? If it’s you, are you sure you know enough to make the best choices for your company’s tech future? If you’re not sure, don’t stress—we’re here to help with a service called a Virtual CIO.

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Three Ways to Use the Cloud to Dodge Hardware Costs

With the price of hardware at risk of skyrocketing, it’s no wonder that many businesses are looking to virtualize as much of their operations as they can. This is where the cloud comes in; you can virtualize just about any solution, including some that you might not have considered in the past. Let’s explore how an SMB might use virtualization and cloud computing to skirt hardware acquisition costs.

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Buy Your Hardware NOW Before Prices Skyrocket

As a provider of information technology services and support, a big part of our job is helping the businesses we work with make the best decisions regarding their critical IT. This responsibility means we often provide an advisory role to business leaders.

In that role, we strongly advise that you make any intended technology purchases and upgrades right now… because if you wait, you may have no good options left.

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Why Your Business Needs Server Management Support (and How You Can Get It)

Do you ever feel at home in your business’ server room? That is, assuming you have a server room, and it’s more than just a stuffy closet in an isolated part of your office. If you’re not confident that you can provide your servers with the management, maintenance, and monitoring they need, we recommend you work with a managed IT company to ensure you get the most value you can from your server units.

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Your Cool New Gadgets Could Make Problems for Your Personal Data

So you got a new computer for a holiday gift. That’s great! We’re excited that you’re excited. But you also need to consider how you are going to dispose of your old device and how to do so in a safe way. Today, we want to discuss how you can safely discard, or potentially even reuse, your old device so you don’t put your data at risk.

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Why You Should Upgrade Your Hardware Sooner Rather than Later

With new tariffs on imports looming and Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 in the near future, now is the time to reconsider your organization’s hardware needs. 

While it might feel convenient to wait until the last possible moment, there are compelling reasons to act sooner—both for cost savings and to avoid future system vulnerabilities. We break down why these changes matter and how you can protect your business by upgrading now.

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How to Carry Out a Technology Needs Assessment

Business technology can sometimes seem like a hedonic treadmill: you maintain a baseline level of operation with your IT, but it will inevitably fail, leaving you in the tough situation of having to replace it. Today, we want to help you get ahead of the curve a bit with a technology needs assessment. We’ll discuss the benefits of a needs assessment, as well as what it focuses on both now and in the future.

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Tip of the Week: Simple Privacy Steps on Android

Your Android device offers a lot of capabilities in its little frame, with many people relying on theirs to keep their lives organized and generally handled. Many businesses even rely on Android mobile devices. This should only reinforce how critical privacy and security are.

In light of this, we’ve shared a few simple tips anyone can do to help make a smartphone that much more secure. 

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Planning Your Tech Spending for the New Year

A new year is a great chance to look at what your business is doing well and where it can get better. Your technology is one area where there’s usually room for improvement. If you’re thinking about adding new tech this year, here are four questions to help make it a success.

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How Outsourced IT Services Defy the Project Management Triangle

There is a concept known as the iron triangle that provides a simple framework for project management by outlining the balance between your costs, your available time, and the desired quality of your outcome.

Traditionally, the iron triangle helps illustrate how these factors impact each other. Instead, we wanted to take advantage of the principles of the triangle to explore how beneficial it can be to outsource IT services.

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Still Need a Resolution for New Year’s? Consider These Career and IT-Based Ones

Happy New Year! This time is usually dedicated to making plans and commitments to improve oneself over the coming months in the interest of the future. In the spirit of the holiday, let’s talk about how the right resolutions can help your career or your business’ use of technology.

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Help Your Remote and Hybrid Team Be as Productive as Possible

The holidays and the new year are perfect times to reflect on how you can make your team’s jobs easier and more efficient. One way you can do so is by opening up the option for remote or hybrid work, provided their roles can be removed from the office, either part time or full time. Today, we want to highlight some of the tools that a remote workforce needs to be successful—as well as how you can get them.

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What the Internet of Things Can Do for Businesses in 2025

The new year is generally associated with fresh starts and new opportunities. One opportunity that will continue to demonstrate and expand upon what it can do for businesses is the Internet of Things, also known as the IoT.

Let’s take a few moments to break down what the IoT is and—more importantly—what it can help you and your organization accomplish throughout 2025 and beyond.

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Why Data Privacy is Important and How You Can Make It a Priority

Since so much of the world is now online, businesses and organizations interact with people online now more than ever. This means they also collect people’s information, a practice they do for various reasons. Individuals need to consider their own data privacy and how it might be affected by business practices.

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Got Some New Technology Over the Holidays? Here’s How to Responsibly Get Rid of the Old

The holidays are over and some of the best gifts are ones that replace our dead and dying electronics with shiny new ones. Then comes the matter of discarding your old devices. In today’s blog, we will discuss what you should and shouldn’t do when looking to get rid of your old devices. 

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Tip of the Week: Working Effectively with Your Help Desk

Reaching out for support involves admitting that there is a problem in the first place—a sore spot for some individuals. It can also be time-consuming, which is more of an issue for busy individuals. However, with the right approach, you can make asking for help during the IT support process much easier.

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AI IT Support Can Free Up Technicians... At a Cost

The big thing in business computing is AI, or artificial intelligence, and businesses are implementing it to solve a lot of repetitive problems that free up their employees to serve other roles. One such area is for IT support. But is it worth it to chat with a robot when something as important as IT is on the line?

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How to Get Santa (and His Elves) the Letters They Need

While we all know how much magic the workshops up at the North Pole rely on to produce presents for the good children of the world, we have it on good authority that they also rely on quite a bit of technology. For instance, there are a lot of letters that need to be sorted and read before Santa’s big ride. Let’s read up on what our partners up north frequently deal with in their critical operations.

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Don’t Believe Everything You Hear About Krampus…

Most people are familiar with Santa Claus, the jolly gift-giver who delivers presents to all the children who have kept the Christmas spirit in their hearts all year. Lately, many people have also become aware of Krampus, Santa’s dark shadow who—as the legend goes—takes a similar trip to visit the naughty children and turn the worst into a midnight snack.

However, one has to wonder: what about all the adults who might also be naughty?

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Think Your Employees Aren’t Burnt Out? Think Again

If you want your business to succeed, you need to take care of your employees, but businesses sometimes let this important task slip in the throes of the day-to-day. Deloitte estimates that around 8 out of every 10 wage workers show signs of burnout. So the question then becomes… What are you doing about it?

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Three Great Last-Minute Gifts for the Technology Lover in Your Life

With Christmas a couple of days away, most of us are either wrapping up our shopping or wrapping up the presents we’ve already purchased. If you are looking for a last-minute gift to give the tech lover in your life, here are three that we found really cool.

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What Does the State of Cybersecurity Look Like for 2025?

Businesses have seen an increase in cyberattacks, and this trend is not slowing down in 2025. Today, we want to explore what the future could hold so you can take these insights and apply them to your cybersecurity initiatives in the coming year.

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Why Smart Businesses Invest in Disaster Recovery Preparations

Stuff happens, and this stuff can often be bad. That’s an inescapable part of life, especially if you’re trying to run a successful business. That said, the consequences of this bad stuff can usually be minimized—if not mitigated entirely—when you have a proper disaster recovery strategy.

Let’s review what goes into preparing this kind of strategy in the most effective way and what makes it so crucial.

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Remote Teams Demand New Approaches

Many of today’s businesses span continents. That’s not an exaggeration. With faster Internet speeds fueling remote workforces, some businesses choose to strategically use workers from all over the globe to create and sell their products or services. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss some of the adjustments and alterations that you need to make when relying on truly remote teams.

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Explaining Bandwidth and How It Affects Your Business

The Internet is right along with electricity as a completely essential part of doing business. Today, we take a look at the central metric of Internet usage: Bandwidth.

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Google’s AI Sees (and Understands) a Lot More Than You’d Expect

Would you be concerned if someone, with only an image, could infer things about you with better-than-expected accuracy? I don’t mean snippets, either—we’re talking about entire paragraphs of context.

Probably, right?

How concerned would you be if I told you that’s precisely what Google Photos does?

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Why Consulting a Security Professional is the Right Call for Your SMB

If you or your business are worried about cybersecurity, we’d like to say, “Congratulations, you get it!” Too many people fail to take cybersecurity seriously, and with hackers and data breaches making headlines worldwide, you cannot underestimate them. Today, we want to cover how a cybersecurity consultant can save you time, money, and stress over your security systems.

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How Scam Centers Work

Think one scammer is frightening? Imagine a collective team of scammers working together to defraud their victims.

In this Micro Training, learn the truth behind scam centers and hear an expert’s advice on how to stay safe.

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Tip of the Week: New to Bluesky? Here’s How to Find Accounts to Follow

Bluesky is the new kid in town regarding social media platforms, which means that most users may not have a significant following on it yet… and new users may not be following many at all. However, a few baked-in options make it much simpler for the latter to curate their experience on the platform.

Let’s go over how a user can find new accounts to follow on Bluesky.

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Cybersecurity Predictions for 2025

Cybercrime and cybersecurity threats targeting businesses have increased consistently over the last several years, so it makes sense that it won’t slow down in 2025. Let’s take a look at a few insights so you know what to be ready for.

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Stuck on a Problem? Just Step Away (Seriously, Take a Break)

Sometimes problem solving requires you to step away and think about the issue at hand. Consider any great strategist out there and you’ll understand that it takes time and calculation to make moves that will benefit you now and in the future. Today, we’ll explore how you can be more productive through strategic pausing.

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Is Unregulated AI Development Starting a “Race to the Bottom”?

Artificial intelligence is the latest IT buzzword that everyone seems to focus on and it’s because it is a big deal. Advances in computing have created an environment where developers can create software that effectively learns. Unfortunately, due to the nature of AI regulation; or, the complete lack of it, there are some who are concerned that the technology—which could be a revolutionary tool for the improvement of human societies—is being degraded.

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5 Simple Mistakes That Hurt Your Cybersecurity

Technology is a big part of how businesses run today, but that also makes them prime targets for cyberattacks. These attacks can shut down operations and steal sensitive data. Let’s look at five common cybersecurity issues businesses deal with:

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Six Cybersecurity Basics Your Business Needs to Follow

Protecting your business isn’t just about having the right tools; it’s about making sure you and your team know how to stay safe online. Here are some key tips to help you get started:

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3 Traits You Want a Business Data Backup to Have

To keep your business running smoothly, even if something goes wrong—like a power outage, cyberattack, or other disaster—you need a reliable way to protect your data. That’s where data backup comes in. It’s important to make sure your backup is thorough and trustworthy so you can recover if things go south.

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How to Kick Things Off With Bluesky

Last week, we discussed why X—the social media network once known as Twitter—has been losing many users. Here, we wanted to direct those seeking a move to consider the up-and-coming platform known as Bluesky in case you were one of those jumping ship.

Let’s talk about how Bluesky operates, including how to sign up.

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5 Computer Issues a Pro Knows Too Well

Computer problems can be super frustrating, especially when they slow you down while working. Many times, it is something that can be fixed quickly, but then there are issues that an experienced IT professional has to address. Let’s take a look at some of the most common computer problems professionals run into.

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The Dark Side of AI

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has upended the way that we discuss technology in business, society, and individual everyday life. While we mostly focus on the benefits of the technology, there are many downsides to consider as well. That’s what we’d like to discuss today; how AI has a dark side to it that potentially requires regulation.

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Three Easy-to-Implement Tips to Be More Productive

Whether it's a personal challenge or a necessity, keeping productivity high is good for an individual’s career growth and overall self-worth. Unfortunately, staying on top of your game can be difficult. We thought we would give you three things to consider that will work to keep your productivity levels high.

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How to Prioritize Individual Data Privacy in a World Where It’s Not Respected

How seriously does your business take data privacy? Can you back up your answer with concrete examples of what you do to prioritize that notion? Today, we face a serious threat to both individual and consumer data privacy, so we want to take the time to cover how you can make data privacy a priority in your own life.

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Good Vendor Relationships Can Boost Your Business

Your business requires you to make certain compromises. Still, when it comes to building a network of vendors that can help you realize your goals, you have to take some time and carefully select the people you want to have long-lasting relationships with because constantly changing vendors can cause plenty of problems for you. In this month’s newsletter, we discuss how to get the most out of your vendor relationships.

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Gift Card Scams

Imagine getting a call from a friend in trouble, begging you to help by sending money via a gift card. It seems urgent, but take a moment to pause and think, as you may be the target of a gift card scam.

In this Micro Training, learn how to recognize red flags that could indicate gift card scams, and how to protect yourself.

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Why Disaster Recovery Is So Important

Have you ever accidentally deleted a file or had your computer crash? It’s a frustrating experience, right? Now, imagine if a major disaster—like a fire or data breach—struck and wiped out all your critical data. That’s where disaster recovery steps in to save the day.

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Tip of the Week: How to Finally Break Up with Your X (Account)

X The Everything App®, formerly Twitter, has been experiencing a massive user loss for the past few weeks, with everyone from celebrities to average people evacuating from the platform. If you wish to join them for any reason, we’re sharing the process for fully extricating yourself and your data from this specific social media network.

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Don’t Just Allow Everyone to Access All of Your Data

Imagine giving every single person you work with a key to your house. Would you do it? Probably not, right? What if someone lost their key or had it stolen? You wouldn’t want to take that risk.

So, it stands to reason that if you can’t trust the people you work with every day with a key to your house, you wouldn’t want them to have access to all of your data; or your business’.

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Explaining the Data Broker Loophole

In recent years, there has been much debate about how companies collect, sell, and use personal data. Many businesses make extra money by selling data they collect about people. This might seem like a side effect of all the data we create online, but it can lead to some tricky problems. Today, we'll look at something called the "data-broker loophole," how it works, and what we can do about it.

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Why Do Businesses Have Such a Hard Time Identifying Threats?

Cybersecurity is intensely important, so a business owner would think implementing every security feature and defense would be a good idea. However, as research has shown, this can be counterproductive, as only 67% of surveyed security leaders know what led to cybersecurity incidents in their businesses over the past year. 

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Five Cybersecurity Red Flags That Are Often Missed

Every business relies on technology to function. Some wouldn’t be able to deliver any value to their customers without it, while others would be severely hindered if they suffered a data breach. For this reason, cybersecurity has to be a priority. In today’s blog, we will discuss five issues that business owners run into that can muddle their cybersecurity efforts.

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Brushing Scams

Beware of mysterious deliveries! Receiving a package you did not order could be a sign of a brushing scam.

In this Micro Training, we explore how brushing scams work, why they happen, and steps you can take to protect your personal information.

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How to Use Patience for Productivity

Spoiler alert: a business that lacks productivity is unlikely to see any amount of success. One of the best ways to ensure your productivity is to practice patience. How can patience improve your productivity?

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Don’t Trust, Verify: How John Kindervag Shifted Our Approach to Security

Businesses of every size need to prioritize their security. This fact has not changed and will not change anytime soon. What has changed, however, are the recommended ways to approach this security.

Today, we wanted to review the history of today’s predominant cybersecurity advice and explore how the zero-trust security model applies.

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Get More Out of Your Business with Enterprise Software

Nowadays, software is super important for running a business. It helps with everything from managing schedules and paying employees to making and selling products. Basically, businesses need software to run smoothly.

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How to Secure Your File-Sharing Practices for Improved Operations

Collaboration is as important as ever, if not more so, to businesses of any size… and with so much work today being done digitally, this collaboration needs to be reliable. Add in the fact that so many people work remotely as often as they do, and it should be clear that all businesses need a means of securely collaborating as part of their successful operations.

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The Latest Moral We Can Learn from Disney: Manage Permissions Better

The Disney brand has long cultivated an image of magic and wonder. However, this image has yet to materialize any magical effects in reality. For example, people still suffer from food allergies while visiting Disney’s various parks.

This makes it especially dangerous that a former Disney employee was allegedly still able to access a specialized menu-planning app and make alterations, like changing prices, adding language that Disney certainly would not approve of, switching text to the unintelligible “Wingdings” font, and worst of all… changing menu information.

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Tech Term: Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

Some websites have an orange icon with waves coming from a dot in the bottom-left corner. This icon is for an RSS feed. RSS feeds are great for users who want to add the website’s content to an RSS reader—but what does this even mean? Let’s find out.

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Sextortion Scams Part 2

Imagine getting an email that threatens to reveal your most personal secrets—only to realize it's all a carefully crafted lie meant to scare you.

In this Micro Training, we uncover how sextortion scams use fear and publicly available information to create fake threats. We also explain what to do if you’re the target of this type of sextortion scam.

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Tip of the Week: Handy Shortcuts for Quickbooks Convenience

Financial management and accounting are two business needs that apply to all organizations of any size or industry. Fortunately, these organizations have access to tools like Intuit QuickBooks to help them fill these needs in a way that is accessible and convenient.

Let’s review some shortcuts to help you be more productive in managing your business finances via QuickBooks.

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Even the NSA Recommends Rebooting Your Devices, But Not for the Reason You Suspect

Rebooting your device presents several benefits. If you ever experience an issue with your device, rebooting it will likely improve it. Heck, even the National Security Agency (NSA) recommends you do this… but why?

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Six Ways to Improve Your Operations

Successful businesses need to adjust to changes in the market, what customers want, and new industry trends. This means they have to know their business well and be willing to try new things. Let’s look at six key areas where businesses often make changes to stay successful.

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What’s a Compressed File, and How Do I Use Them?

A compressed file (also known as a zip file) is a handy way to accomplish various tasks, although many people may not know what they are or do. We want to fix that, so we’re going over what a compressed file is and how to make one.

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Do You Understand the 3-2-1 Backup Rule?

There’s no getting around the fact that data backup and disaster recovery are paramount to the survival of any business. Thankfully, the 3-2-1 rule makes implementing effective data recovery practices easy. Let’s look at this process and how you can do so.

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How Business Email Compromise Puts Your Business at Risk

Can you tell the difference between your colleagues and a scammer with access to their email account? This is essentially what a business email compromise attack involves—a scammer initiates a phishing scheme using an internal mode of communication. These scams are also observed in schools, making them dangerous in the education sector.

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Sextortion Scams Part 1

What would you do if someone you trusted turned your intimate photos into a weapon of blackmail? This alarming reality, known as sextortion, is a growing threat that could happen to anyone.

In this Micro Training, learn how to protect yourself from sextortion scams, recognize red flags, safeguard your online presence, and take immediate action if targeted.

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3 Downtime-Causing Issues You’ll Want to Nip in the Bud

Downtime can be lethal to businesses, not only because too much can lead to failure, but it can easily waste a lot of your team’s time as everyone shifts gears to find a solution. This is why is it best to avoid it as often as possible.

That’s why we’re discussing three of the most prevalent causes of downtime, and what you can do to prevent them.

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Did You Trade Your Data for a DVD Rental?

In June of this year, publisher Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, best known for its book series of the same name, filed for Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy and had many of its assets liquidated. One of these assets was the movie rental service Redbox and its eponymous scarlet rental kiosks, rendering the service defunct.

However, many kiosks remain standing outside businesses even now, which makes us wonder… what about all the data they collected while they were in use?

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Zero-Trust Needs to Be the Goal for Every Business’ Security

Would you feel safe staying at a hotel that, instead of unique locks, each door used the same key as all of the others? Probably not—because if someone got in, they could take whatever they wanted. That’s similar to how old-school cybersecurity worked. Once someone got into a company’s network, they could access almost everything, making it easy for hackers to steal information. But today, many businesses use a better security framework called zero-trust security. In today’s blog, we discuss what zero-trust security is and why it’s safer.

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Of Vice and Vulnerability, Episode 1: Ransomware

Let’s have a little fun today. Today’s blog post is written in the format of a daytime soap opera. Please make sure you read all of the dialogue as if being whispered by extremely attractive television stars and starlets!

Life goes on in the small town of Oak Falls, deep woods surrounding the little hamlet nestled on the coast of Cape Seguridad. Let’s follow the lives of some of the residents, their lives Of Vice… and Vulnerability.

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Is Your Smartphone Smart Enough?

For the longest time, smartphone manufacturers looked to develop devices that came with unique features in all different manners of form factors. Nowadays, however, there are very few phone manufacturers and those that are left have pretty much decided, for now, what the smartphone would look like. Even the ones that fold in half look and function pretty much the same. In this week’s blog, we will take a look at the declining innovation in the smartphone market and why it may not be a bad thing.

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Staying Productive is Crucial for Everyone

It can be difficult staying productive with all the things that happen day-in and day-out around your business. When your team is productive, it helps you stay focused and organized, and it can make a big difference in how successful you are. This week we break down just how keeping productivity levels high can make or break a business.

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The Final Guard - Software Updates

As Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes to an end, our superhero guide leaves you with one last piece of advice: update your software!

In thisMicro Training, find out why keeping your software up-to-date is an important step in securing our world.

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Your Business Isn’t Too Small to Be a Target for Hackers

"I don’t need to worry about cybersecurity… my business is too small for hackers to target."

This is one of the most dangerous misconceptions a small business can have. If you believe this, you may not fully understand how modern cyberattacks work. Let’s break down why this mindset can leave your business vulnerable.

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Subscriptions Need to Be Easy to Cancel, Per the FTC

It isn’t rare for people to subscribe to things and only stay subscribed because the cancellation process is so challenging and inconvenient. However, the Federal Trade Commission is looking to stop this, adopting a rule that eliminates the capability for businesses to put hurdles in front of cancellation processes.

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The NIST Recommends This 5-Stage Cybersecurity Framework

If there’s one thing that helps businesses establish consistent policies and strategy, it’s a good framework. You can use a framework for anything, including network security. Today, we want to walk you through the cybersecurity protection standards as they are outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology so you can better protect your business.

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What is Zero-Trust, and How Can My Business Achieve It?

Let me ask you something: would you trust a bank that locked its doors for the night but left all its cash in a big pile in the middle of the floor? Probably not—after all, if someone managed to get through the doors, nothing would stop them from helping themselves to the funds inside.

This is effectively how cybersecurity once worked, with the presumption that if someone had access to a network, they had permission to access any data on it. Fortunately, many businesses have made the switch to a better approach, known as zero-trust security.

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An Ongoing Legal Battle Could Determine the Future of AI Used in Art

You might remember the buzz when Josh Allen, a digital artist, won first place at the 2022 Colorado State Fair for his digital artwork called "Théâtre D'opéra Spatial." The catch? He created the image using AI. Now, he’s in a fight with the Copyright Office to prove that his work deserves copyright protection.

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Secure Our World with MFA

In today's digital world, passwords alone aren't enough to protect your accounts from cyber threats. That's why multi-factor authentication (MFA) is becoming a crucial tool in cybersecurity.

In this Micro Training, learn how implementing MFA can enhance your security and discover how cybercriminals are trying to capitalize on this growing security trend.

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Reposition the Taskbar in Windows 11

Windows 11 takes a page out of Apple’s design playbook and features a taskbar that, instead of being off to the side, is smack in the middle of the toolbar. While some may like this change, others may not.

Fortunately for these others, a simple setting change can return the taskbar to its familiar place like on older versions of Windows.

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How to Keep Your Employees from Being a Cybersecurity Problem

Cybersecurity has to be a big deal for any business that uses IT, and today, who doesn’t? When your employees don’t follow cybersecurity rules, it can put your business in danger, like getting hacked or losing money. The first step is to figure out why employees aren’t following the rules. This could happen because they don’t know the rules, haven’t been trained enough, or think the rules are too hard or take too much time. 

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Tip of the Week: 4 Windows 11 Desktop Tricks to Master Your Workstation

Windows 11 features a robust desktop environment with a lot of neat tricks and customizations to work more effectively. Controlling your Windows desktop experience can enhance productivity and streamline the way you interact with your computer. In today’s blog, we give you four tips to help you customize and manage your Windows environment more efficiently.

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Tip of the Week: Steal These Google Apps Shortcuts to Improve Productivity

Does your business use Google Workspace for its productivity solution? If so, we’ve got a tip for you—several, in fact, as we explore the various shortcuts available to expedite your productivity. Let’s take a look at some of the lesser-known shortcuts and how your business can use them to power up its efficiency.

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Cover Your Security Bases with These Four Best Practices

Over 25 percent of data breaches target small businesses, and the impact can be huge. To protect your business, you need the right technology and smart strategies. In today’s blog, we go through some key steps to help safeguard your business from digital threats.

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Improve Productivity and Empower Employees with a Help Desk

Nobody likes getting large support bills from technology companies—especially when they are unexpected. This is the case for both the business owners footing the bill and the employees who might be held responsible for racking up the bill in the first place. This puts SMBs in a bit of an impossible situation; either spend money to keep employees productive, or save money and suffer from productivity issues.

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7 Ways to Show Your Clients and Customers the Value You Offer

It shouldn’t be surprising to think that your prospects—or even businesses you already work with—aren’t going to take you at your word that you and your services are the best option for their needs… as easy as that might make things. No, the hard truth is that you need your marketing to communicate the value your business and its services offer. Let’s go over a few ways you can ensure it does.

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Tip of the Week: Overcome Large Projects with the “Just One More” Mindset

Have you ever had one of those projects where you struggle to make meaningful progress because it just feels impossible? While reflecting and thinking through how to approach a challenge is helpful, it’s not always in your best interest to slow down. Sometimes, it takes a little brute force to push through and complete an important task.

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You Aren’t Too Small to Be a Cybersecurity Target

“I don’t need to worry about cyberattacks… my business is too small to be of any interest.”

This brief rationalization is one of the most dangerous fallacies a modern business can make concerning cybersecurity, and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how modern cyberthreats operate. If this has been your mindset, we urge you to read on so we can help set you on a more realistic path.

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Securing Cloud Resources is More Critical than Ever

Cloud computing as a whole has been one of the most transformative technologies for businesses. With so many companies (upward of 90 percent of modern businesses) using some type of cloud computing, more companies than ever are really leaning into the technology and use it for mission critical business processes. Let’s take a look at some of the ways businesses can secure their cloud resources. 

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Fight Back Against Downtime with Proactive Maintenance

It’s natural for businesses to rely on their tools, like IT, to achieve success, but if you don’t take care of your systems, it could lead to downtime. You can bypass many of these challenges with the right approach to technology maintenance. We want to highlight some of the proactive methods you can use to keep downtime to a minimum.

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Pig Butchering is a Serious, Growing Problem

Over the past few years, huge scamming operations have operated in Southeast Asia, and now they are spreading. These scams—known as pig butchering scams—cause serious harm, as in an estimated $75 billion worldwide in 2023.

With these sorts of operations spreading, let’s go over what pig butchering is. 

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Being a More Sustainable Business Helps More than the Environment

Being a green business is certainly not a bad thing. Not only does it help boost your company's environmental friendliness, but it can often attract customers and clients who prioritize the environment. Less mentioned, however, is how being greener can actually give your business an advantage in the right circumstances.

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Phishing Basics for Superhumans

Welcome to Cybersecurity Awareness Month! This year, learn the ways of cyber superhumans and discover how to protect your digital world from cyber threats.

In this Micro Training, we’ll focus on phishing—a deceptive tactic used by cybercriminals to steal your personal information.

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Mobility Changes the Business Game

With technology becoming more mobile, the way we interact with tech has changed considerably. Now that dial-up has evolved to broadband and cellular networks have dramatically improved, technology has allowed people to become more connected than ever. Your business can improve its communications and operations with the right mobile technology.

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Tip of the Week: Stop LinkedIn from Using Your Data to Train AI

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and it is making data more valuable than ever. This is because AI platforms rely heavily on data to function effectively. Many platforms and services collect data from their users to fuel these algorithms. LinkedIn has recently been found to do this—by default—without properly informing its users or updating its terms of service.

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Worried Your Workplace Might Be Toxic? Here’s How to Fix It

“Toxic” is a buzzword that is often used nowadays, but when it is used to describe a business’ work environment, it needs to be treated with deadly seriousness.

If a workplace is a place people don’t like to be, many drawbacks will ultimately impact operations. Therefore, it is to your benefit to keep your business as positive a workplace as possible.

Let’s discuss how to tell if your company has a toxic workplace and, if so, how to resolve it.

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4 Stupid-Simple Ways to Be More Careful with Your Network Security

Technology is central to most businesses, which means that security is, by proxy, central to them as well. With cyberattacks on the rise, it’s more important than ever for you and your employees to be on the same page regarding cybersecurity. Today, we are looking at four ways you can ensure sound cybersecurity practices that even the most belligerent employees can follow… with the right support in place.

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If You See Someone Streaming Funeral Services, You’ve Spotted a Likely Scam

Funerals are never to be taken lightly, which makes it all the worse that there are people out there willing to use these events to scam those in grief. Recently, Facebook has seen many groups that supposedly offer links to streamed funerals in exchange for credit card data, with different events being added more recently.

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Understanding the Roles of a Router and Modem in Your Wireless Network

Both the router and modem are crucial components of any wireless network, yet many people are unsure about the distinct roles they play in a personal or organizational Internet connection. Let’s break down the function of each device and how they work together to support your network.

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Four Solid Practices to Use When Relying on Cloud-Based Software

Cloud computing has become a common tool, especially Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Hosted software provides robust options that make sense to all companies, including anytime-anywhere availability, scalability, and provider management of the underlying hardware. In today’s blog, we want to discuss a couple of tips people can use when working with cloud computing.

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